Real World Evidence

Expertise in Real-World Evidence

At Epistat we specialize in providing expert statistical consulting services for real-world evidence (RWE) studies. With many years of experience in the field, our mission is to help healthcare organizations and researchers leverage real-world data (RWD) to generate meaningful insights and improve patient outcomes.

Our Services Include:

Data sources: identify and get access to the right data sources
Study Design: Crafting robust study designs tailored to real-world data sources, ensuring validity and reliability.
Data Analysis: Utilizing advanced statistical methods to analyze RWD and generate actionable insights.
Evidence Generation: Supporting the development of evidence to inform clinical practice, regulatory decisions, and healthcare policy.
Regulatory Submissions: Preparing comprehensive and compliant statistical sections for regulatory submissions.
Outcome Research: Conducting health outcomes research to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of medical interventions in real-world settings.

Why Choose Us?

Expertise: Deep understanding of the complexities and nuances of RWE studies, including handling diverse data sources.
Quality: Commitment to delivering high-quality, accurate, and timely results that meet regulatory standards.
Innovation: Employing cutting-edge statistical techniques and tools to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving RWE landscape.
Collaboration: Working closely with clients to address their unique challenges and objectives.
Impact: Dedicated to generating evidence that drives healthcare improvements and patient care.

About Us:

Our team is passionate about transforming real-world data into actionable insights that can influence healthcare decision-making and policy. Contact us today to learn how we can support your real-world evidence projects and help you achieve your research goals.

Real-world evidence (RWE) in the Nordics

RWE has become increasingly significant due to the region's advanced healthcare systems, comprehensive health data infrastructure, and strong emphasis on public health. The Nordic countries—Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Iceland—are leveraging RWE to enhance patient outcomes, inform policy decisions, and drive innovation in healthcare. Here are some key narratives highlighting the role and impact of RWE in the Nordics:

1. Leveraging Comprehensive Health Data
The Nordic countries are known for their extensive and well-maintained health registries, which provide a rich source of data for RWE studies. These registries cover various aspects of healthcare, including patient demographics, diagnoses, treatments, and outcomes. The ability to link these datasets enables researchers to gain deep insights into the effectiveness and safety of medical interventions in real-world settings.

2. Improving Patient Outcomes and Safety
RWE is crucial for understanding how treatments perform outside the controlled environment of clinical trials. By analyzing real-world data, healthcare providers can identify potential issues and make evidence-based decisions to improve patient safety and outcomes.

3. Informing Healthcare Policy and Decision-Making
Nordic policymakers rely on RWE to design and implement healthcare policies that are grounded in actual patient experiences and outcomes. This evidence-based approach ensures that healthcare policies are effective and aligned with the needs of the population.

4. Facilitating Personalized Medicine
RWE supports the move towards personalized medicine by providing insights into how different patient subgroups respond to various treatments. This approach allows for the customization of treatment plans to better suit individual patient needs, enhancing the efficacy of care.

5. Enhancing Clinical Research and Innovation
The integration of RWE with clinical research accelerates the development of new therapies and medical technologies. By complementing clinical trial data with real-world insights, researchers can better understand the broader impact of new treatments.

6. Supporting Health Economics and Value-Based Care
RWE provides valuable information for health economic evaluations, helping to determine the cost-effectiveness of treatments and interventions. This is essential for the implementation of value-based care models that aim to maximize health outcomes relative to costs.

7. Addressing Public Health Challenges
RWE plays a critical role in tackling public health challenges by providing insights into disease patterns, risk factors, and the effectiveness of public health interventions. This information is vital for designing effective public health strategies and interventions.


The Nordic countries exemplify how real-world evidence can transform healthcare by providing actionable insights that enhance patient care, inform policy, drive innovation, and address public health challenges. The region’s commitment to leveraging comprehensive health data and its collaborative approach to healthcare research make it a model for other regions seeking to harness the power of RWE.